CSA Payment Calculator

Child maintenance is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being of children whose parents live apart. The Child Maintenance Service (CMS) in the United Kingdom plays a pivotal role in calculating and facilitating child maintenance payments. In this guide, we’ll delve into the details of how the CMS works out child maintenance, step by step.

1. What Is Child Maintenance?

Child maintenance refers to regular financial support provided by the non-resident parent (also known as the paying parent) to the parent with care (receiving parent). It helps cover the child’s everyday living costs, ensuring their stability and comfort.

2. The Role of the Child Maintenance Service

The CMS operates as the government’s statutory child maintenance service in England, Wales, and Scotland. Its primary functions include:

  • Calculation: Determining the amount of child maintenance based on income, benefits, and other relevant factors.
  • Collection: Collecting payments from the paying parent.
  • Distribution: Ensuring timely disbursement of child maintenance to the receiving parent.

3. How Is Child Maintenance Worked Out?

The CMS follows a systematic approach to calculate child maintenance. Let’s explore the six essential steps involved:

Step 1: Income Assessment

  • The CMS begins by assessing the paying parent’s yearly gross income. This includes earnings from employment, self-employment, and other sources.
  • If the paying parent receives benefits, those are also considered.

Step 2: Adjustments to Income

Certain factors can affect the gross income amount:

  • Pension Payments: Deductions related to pension contributions.
  • Other Children: If the paying parent supports other children financially.

Step 3: Number of Nights with the Child

  • The CMS considers the number of nights the child spends with each parent.
  • This information impacts the maintenance calculation.

Step 4: Shared Care Arrangements

  • If parents share care equally, child maintenance may differ.
  • Full-time students with no income and parents in prison are exceptions.

Step 5: Applying the Formula

  • The CMS uses a formula to calculate the child maintenance amount.
  • It considers the paying parent’s income, shared care, and other relevant details.

Step 6: Final Amount

  • The calculated amount serves as an estimate.
  • Actual payments through the CMS could be higher or lower.

4. Using the Child Maintenance Calculator

The CMS provides an online Child Maintenance Calculator that allows parents to estimate child maintenance payments. Here’s how it works:

  • Visit the official calculator.
  • Input details such as income, benefits, and nights with the child.
  • The calculator provides an estimated maintenance amount.

Remember that the calculator offers guidance, and actual payments may vary. Seek independent advice if needed before making financial decisions based on this information.


Understanding child maintenance and utilizing tools like the CMS calculator empowers parents to make informed decisions. By contributing to their child’s well-being, both parents play a vital role in nurturing a stable and supportive environment.

CSA Calculator

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